Programming Starter – Level 1 – 6 weeks

Grow Local, Buy Local, Eat Local


Introduction to web page designing using HTML: create and save an HTML
document, access a web page using a web browser.

SKU: programming-starter-level-1-6-weeks Categories: , , ,


In this Course, students will learn about:

  • Introduction to web page designing using HTML: create and save an HTML document, access a web page using a web browser.
  • HTML tags: html, head, title, body, (attributes: text, background, bgcolor, link, vlink, alink), br (break), hr(horizontal rule), inserting comments, h1..h6 (heading), p (paragraph), b (bold), i (italics), u (underline), ul (unordered list), ol (ordered list), and li (list item).
  • Description lists: dl, dt and dd. Attributes of ol (start, type), ul (type).
  • Font tags (attributes: face, size, color).
  • Insert images: img (attributes: src, width, height, alt), sup (super script), sub (subscript).
  • HTML Forms: Textbox, radio buttons, checkbox, password, list, combo box.
  • Embed audio and video in a HTML page.
  • Create a table using the tags: table, tr, th, td, rowspan, colspan
  • Links: significance of linking, anchor element (attributes: href, mailto), targets.
  • Cascading style sheets: colour, background-colour, border-style, margin, height, width, outline, font (family, style, size), align, float

Additional information

Course Faculty

Ashwani Duggal